ing. R. (Roy) Sonnevelt
Geotechnical Engineer
Roy graduated from the Hogeschool Inholland in Alkmaar with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering. This was where he found his interest in geotechnics. During his industrial placement in a small geo-hydraulic/geotechnical consultancy company, he became ever more enthusiastic about geotechnical engineering. His graduation project handled ‘Underground storage of energy in pressure vessels’.** After graduation, he developed his knowledge further with a ‘Minor’ programme in geotechnics.
After his studies, Roy worked for almost 3 years as a junior engineer in geotechnics in a large construction company. During this period he contributed to many small projects and also to large tenders and designs for implementation. His work included making calculations and setting-up reports. In this way, he experienced the boundaries between geotechnics and structural design.
Since August 2016 he has worked as a engineer with GEO2 Engineering B.V. He contributes to various projects within GEO2, including the design for tender of the ‘Driemanspolder’, in which the engineering of earth embankments and water drainage systems are of great importance during construction and in later use. Roy was also involved in carrying out geo-hydraulic calculations using the computer software package MicroFEM as part of the design proposal for the Twente Canal.
Roy is an enthusiastic and critical geotechnical engineer who is well-placed to identify quickly the critical issues involved.
* The ‘Ing’ Diploma is the European equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree.